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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Opinion | Why Pennsylvania’s Supreme Courtroom Election Issues Specific Occasions

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Pennsylvania subsequent week will elect a brand new Justice to its state Supreme Courtroom, and the race is value watching effectively past Harrisburg. The profitable jurist could possibly be the tiebreaker in litigation over the state’s 2024 voting guidelines. The end result might additionally present whether or not the tip of Roe v. Wade remains to be powering Democrats to the polls.

Supreme Courtroom elections in Pennsylvania are partisan affairs, and the Republican candidate is Carolyn Carluccio, President Decide of the Montgomery County Courtroom of Widespread Pleas. She guarantees to “apply the legislation as it’s written.” She has talked about issues that the state Supreme Courtroom’s rulings on mail ballots in recent times have been “conflicting, and typically unclear,” whereas additionally saying that “our election legal guidelines should be utilized constantly throughout all counties.”

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