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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Opinion | Nikki Haley Stands Out on International Coverage on the Republican Debate Categorical Instances

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The third Republican presidential debate Wednesday evening was helpful in some ways, and particularly in revealing the rising GOP fault line on international coverage. Nikki Haley and Chris Christie stood out for supporting Israel and Ukraine and scoring President Biden for weak point that invited aggression from adversaries. Vivek Ramaswamy confirmed himself to be a full-throated isolationist, whereas Ron DeSantis and Tim Scott have been hedgers, particularly on aiding Ukraine.

Entrance-runner Donald Trump once more was a no-show as he tries to influence everybody that the marketing campaign is over earlier than anybody votes. His foreign-policy views have turned in a extra isolationist path since 2020, to the extent he’s clear about something. His major argument is that no wars started whereas he was President, so no wars will start if he’s elected once more.

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