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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Opinion | Echoes of Beirut 1983 in Israel At present Specific Instances

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Monday is the fortieth anniversary of the worst day of Ronald Reagan’s Presidency, when Islamic terrorists used truck bombs to kill 307 folks, together with 241 Individuals, on the Marine barracks in Beirut. The echoes of that assault could be heard within the debate over how Israel ought to reply to the Oct. 7 slaughter of some 1,400 innocents on its soil, together with not less than 31 Individuals.

A bunch referred to as Islamic Jihad, a predecessor to the Iran-backed Hezbollah militia in Lebanon, took duty for the bombing. Many U.S. officers imagine Iran was behind the suicide bombings, although the Reagan Administration by no means mounted particular blame. It additionally didn’t reply militarily, and Reagan withdrew U.S. troopers from Beirut.

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